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The online store for longboards and skateboards produced in Italy
Benvenuto nel longboard shop di Leafboards! Qui troverai tutte le nostre tavole artigianali realizzate a mano in Italia con l’obiettivo di creare degli strumenti perfetti per surfare le strade. I materiali utilizzati sono di primissima qualità, scelti con estrema attenzione per offrire un prodotto eccellente. Ce n’è per tutti i gusti: dalle longboard, ai cruiser, ai mini cruiser di dimensioni simili ai Penny e che potrai trasportare tranquillamente nel tuo zaino! Con ben 3 collezioni di longboard potrai scegliere la tavola che meglio si adatta alle tue caratteristiche di rider.
Offriamo la possibilità di acquistare sia delle deck singole e prive di truck e ruote, ma pure delle tavole artigianali complete e interamente montate, in modo da permettere anche ai meno esperti di usufruire di un’ottima longboard senza perdere altro tempo! Il negozio online di Leafboards offre longboard e decks, il tutto rigorosamente realizzato a mano in Italia, per soddisfare le esigenze di ogni singolo cliente. Per qualsiasi dubbio sulla scelta della tua longboard o del tuo skateboard non esitare a contattarci! Stay Free. Be Wild. Ride Leaf.


Animali acquatici provenienti dall’oceano o mezzi di trasporto? Sottomarini, astronavi, navi, aerei e vascelli, o semplici pesci, un po’ strani.


4 Deck, 4 Elementi: Acqua, Aria, Terra, Fuoco. L’evolversi del Pianeta e della Natura. Il tutto nelle longboard della collezione Big Bang.


Shape per ogni tipo di rider. Grafiche nate dalla collaborazione con l’artista @jekology. Cosa si nasconde dentro a queste teste pazze?


Nel negozio online di Leafboards, scoprirai tutte le tavole da noi create e prodotte a mano in Italia: da longboard o cruiser, fino a skate o penny. Vuoi un deck per fare lunghi giri senza stancarti, lungo mare o sulla neve, simulando il feeling di una surfata o del carving sulla neve fresca con lo snowboard? Allora la tua tavola potrebbe essere una Malila o una Single Fin. Ti piace la velocità e vuoi una tavola stabile in discesa ma allo stesso tempo piacevole da utilizzare in piano? Prova un Fat Bonkers o un Thruster! Per gli appassionati dello skateboarding, delle bowl e degli skatepark consigliamo il Juke Joint o il Bonzer. Questi cruiser dotati di kicktail sono perfetti sia per girare in città sui marciapiedi più malmessi, che skateare in un park o una bowl!


In the Leafboards online shop, you will discover all the boards created and hand-produced by us in Italy: from longboards or cruisers, up to skates or pennies. Do you want a deck to take long rides without getting tired, along the sea or on the snow, simulating the feeling of surfing or carving on fresh snow with a snowboard? Then your board could be a Malila or a Single Fin. Do you like speed and want a board that is stable when going downhill but at the same time pleasant to use on flat terrain? Try a Fat Bonkers or a Thruster! For fans of skateboarding, bowls and skateparks we recommend the Juke Joint or the Bonzer. These kicktail-equipped cruisers are perfect for riding around town on the roughest sidewalks or skating in a park or bowl!

How to choose your longboard?

Choosing the board that best suits your needs among skateboards, longboards, cruisers, pennies and mini cruisers with various shapes is not at all simple. To identify the right board to start longboarding, it is essential to take into consideration some general characteristics and some details capable of delineating the boundary between a good and a bad board. The moment you decide to buy a longboard in our online shop you will have to be aware of every smallest detail of your future board or your penny! Naturally, it is of fundamental importance to precisely frame the area of ​​use: the choice of the discipline towards which you want to direct yourself is very important, given that each table is created according to a specific use and for this reason its shapes, its dimensions and the various accessories, trucks and wheels vary from one product to another.

A first element to consider is the length of the board, which mainly depends on the discipline, although rather than on the length of the board you should focus on the wheelbase (wheelbase), i.e. the distance between the innermost holes for mounting the trucks. A long wheelbase ensures a certain stability, while a short one is suitable for tight curves and to be tackled with agility.

The longer the deck, the more stable the longboard will be and therefore suitable for beginners, although it will be less manageable. A short board, on the other hand, will be very easy to maneuver, allowing you to make tighter turns, but will be more unstable when going downhill or at higher speeds. The width of the board, however, favors foot support and therefore stability, and is therefore important in disciplines in which high speeds are reached. On the contrary, for those who limit themselves to medium or low speeds, this component is not so decisive.

An element that must always be kept in mind is the flex, i.e. the flexibility/rigidity of the board. This characteristic indicates the level of flexibility of the board depending on our weight and our movements. The more flexible the decks are, the closer the sensation will be to that of surfing or snowboarding on fresh snow. On the contrary, a rigid board will be more reactive and suitable for tricks or high-speed riding. Usually, in those disciplines where high speed is reached, a board with high rigidity is advisable which is able to guarantee stability to the skater. This is a very subjective element that you will have to evaluate through the use of your deck. In fact, good flexibility gives you a way to move with much more ease and lightness, almost dancing, riding the waves and surfing on your board, moving in a fluid and elegant way.

The third element to keep in mind is defined as the tail, i.e. the back part of the boards. A short or flat tail does not allow you to adequately use the rear wheels of the longboard as a pivot to make very tight and arched turns. Otherwise, boards with kicktails (a tail curved upwards) allow you to perform the most varied tricks and make sharp and very tight turns.

The trucks on your longboard are also a very important part of the set. Topmount and dropthrough are the two main types of mounting, each with its own characteristics and peculiarities. Depending on the traction, the greater or lesser grip, the greater or lesser leverage on the truck, the length and width of the board and many other factors, one type of truck will be mounted rather than the other. These are just some of the elements that a skater must take into consideration when buying a new longboard.